Embedding External Content with WisePub

To embed external services such as Google documents or spreadsheets onto a webpage using WisePub.

Key Steps

  1. Create a new page, post, or lesson in WisePub.
  2. Copy the embed code (iframe) of the external service you want to embed (e.g., Google Doc).
  3. Paste the embed code into the body of the page or post.
  4. Adjust the width and height of the embedded content if needed.
  5. Click the HTML button to insert the embed code.
  6. Click the checkmark to confirm the changes.
  7. Create the page or post to view the embedded content.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure that the width and height of the embedded content are appropriate for the webpage.
  • Use the canva mode when inserting HTML code for more complex customization.
  • Some external services may require additional configuration for full-width display.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Utilize the same editor for posts to embed external services.
  • If the HTML button is not visible, access it through the three dots menu.
  • Test the embedded content to ensure proper display before publishing.

By following these steps, you can easily embed external services in WisePub pages or posts for enhanced functionality and user experience.

Accessing the Categories Section To add a new category to your content, follow these initial steps: Creating a New Category

Create Pages Accessing the Admin Panel To begin creating a new page, you first need to navigate to the admin